• Zeta Research sarà presente al EuroScience Open Forum 2020 (2-6 settembre 2020, Trieste).
  •  Zeta Research ha partecipato al Meet in Italy for Life Sciences (15 - 18 ottobre 2019, Trieste).
  • Zeta Research ha presentato il poster "Consumption, satisfaction, and symptoms, and metabolic and nutritional effects of two types of modified texture meals in feeding dysphagic subjects" al 13th European Nutrition Conference FENS 2019 (15 - 18 ottobre 2019, Dublino).
  • Zeta Research ha presentato il poster "Consumption of fruit and vegetables: the ROUND (woRld map of cOnsUmption of fruit and vegetables and Nutrient Deficits) project" al 13th European Nutrition Conference FENS 2019 (15 - 18 ottobre 2019, Dublino).
  • Zeta Research ha partecipato al workshop "Study tour of Slovenian healthcare companies to Biovalley investments - getting to know italian healthcare system, investment opportunities and strategic partnerships" (31 luglio 2019, Trieste).
  • Zeta Research è un beneficiaro di PREFER (sviluPpo di un pRodotto biocompatibilE per la terapia delle FERite difficili), un progetto vincitore del bando POR FESR 2014-2020 Friuli-Venezia Giulia.
  • Zeta Research ha presentato il poster "Global, regional, and national levels of fruit and vegetable consumption from the ROUND (woRld map of cOnsUmption of fruit and vegetables and Nutrient Deficits) project" al Nutrition 2019 (8 - 11 giugno 2019, Baltimora).
  • Zeta Research ha presentato il poster "Levels of consumption, satisfaction and symptoms relating to two types of meals with modified texture in dysphagic subjects" al Nutrition 2019 (8 - 11 giugno 2019, Baltimora).
  • Zeta Research ha presentato il poster "Metabolic and Nutritional effects of two types of meals with modified texture in feeding dysphagic subjects" al Nutrition 2019 (8 - 11 giugno 2019, Baltimora).

"Consumption of fruit and vegetables: the ROUND (woRld map of cOnsUmpion of fruit and vegetables and Nutrient Deficits) project"

"Consumption, satisfaction and symptoms, and metabolic and nutritional effects of two types of modified texture meals in feeding dysphagic subjects"

"Metabolic and Nutritional effects of two types of meals with modified texture in feeding dysphagic subjects"

"Levels of consumption, satisfaction and symptoms relating to two types of meals with modified texture in dysphagic subjects"

"Global, regional, and national levels of fruit and vegetable consumption from the ROUND (wOrld map of cOnsUmption of fruit and vegetables and Nutrient Deficit) project"

"sviluPpo di un pRodotto biocompatibilE per la terapia delle FERite difficili"